Limitation to Liberation, with Harriet Tubman Wright

Join host Tessa Lynne Alburn and Harriet Tubman Wright as they explore Harriet's transformative journey and how she got to sizzle and joy from battles with depression. Throughout challenges such as single parenting and being in unfulfilling jobs, Harriet’s inner creativity persisted, driving her to recognize the value of living one's soul's calling.

Harriet’s passion centers on uniting generations, uniting older and younger women to co-create a more peaceful, authentic future. This collaboration, she believes, can spark a paradigm shift fostering healing, empowerment, and transformation for humanity and the world.

Tessa’s Free Gift: If you want to reignite your Soul Fire, get your free E-Guide here and Say YES to Your Soul!

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  • From education and modeling to single parenthood and unfulfilling jobs

  • The need to follow your soul's calling and living in alignment with one’s true purpose for sizzle and the current paradigm shifts we’re all facing

  • Visioning for a fulfilling life to help you tap into your heart and soul's desires

  • The growth of Harriet's vision of nurturing environments for women to share their stories and the importance of community

  • The work of uniting older and younger women to co-create a more peaceful and authentic future

About Harriet Tubman Wright

Harriet Tubman Wright, MS, MA is an accomplished Speaker/Storyteller, Published Author/Poet, Person-Centered Expressive Arts Facilitator, Metaphysician, Initiated Priestess and Elder.

As Director of The Wright Resort, Your Soul Safari to Success, she guides mature spiritual women to fulfill their passion, so they can live healthy, purposeful, prosperous lives, doing what they most love to serve others. She also helps them develop “(R)evolutionary Leadership” skills to transform businesses, organizations and communities to ultimately heal people and the planet.

Harriet connects with business, professional, and cultural groups through Transformational Talks on Feminine Leadership, Soul Power, Holistic Health and Elder Enrichment, captivating audiences with humor and wisdom.

Receive Harriet’s Free Gifts

5 Essential Tools to Lead the Revolution toward Love, light, and Liberation, A Spiritual Guide for Change Makers by going to

Social Media:

Connect with Harriet on Facebook or LinkedIn to learn more about her multigenerational co-creation class called Activating Revolutionary Leadership Skills Now.   

* About the Host *

Tessa Lynne Alburn believes that every woman has the ability to learn to express their true voice, be heard, and fulfill their dreams.

Tessa’s Free Gift: If you want to be freer, happier and more courageous in life, get your free Soulful E-Guide here and Say YES to Your Soul!

As a Feminine Energy Coach and Soul Connection Mentor for women, Tessa supports you in having the freedom you crave and strong connections with others, as you live powerfully with joy and a sense of adventure.

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May You Say YES to Your Soul.


Tessa (00:09):

Hello, I am so happy to be able to introduce to you

Harriet Tubman Wright. She is a very accomplished woman. She's a speaker,

storyteller, published author, poet, person centered, expressive arts

facilitator, mettaphysician, initiated priestess and elder. And, you know, when I first met Harriet, I just

thought this gal has seen a lot of stuff, and I could tell when I listened to

her voice also. She's been through a lot, and she understands on a deep level,

compassion and connecting to one soul. As the director of the Wright

resort, your soul safari to success. She guides mature spiritual women to

fulfill their passion so that they can live healthy, purposeful, prosperous

lives, doing what they love to serve others. And she also helps 'em develop

revolutionary leadership skills, woo, to transform businesses, organizations,

and communities to ultimately heal people and the planet. She connects with

business professional cultural groups through transformational talks on

feminine leadership, soul power, and other amazing things with humor and

wisdom. And I really wanna give her a warm welcome. Hello there, Harriet.

Harriet (01:38):

Well, hello. I'm happy to be here. Happy to connect with

you and your listeners.

Tessa (01:47):

Well, thank you. We're really glad you're here. So I know

that you have been through many, many things in your life, and you've got a

story that, when you said, you framed it for me before we started this, and I

was like, yes. Okay. That's gonna be exciting. So I'd love for you to just

begin to take us on that journey and share some of what your challenges were,

and we'll get into how you overcame them.

Harriet (02:24):

Thank you. What I want to say, basically the theme is from

limitation to liberation. I've had the opportunity to live in Africa and travel

all around the world, but I remember, and when I was younger, I played violin.

I was in the modern dance honor society. I fashion model. I sewed my own

clothes. So the creativity was really, really important to me. And, as I got

into job situations, once I returned from Africa, as a single parent and, you

know, get a job, I was working in situations where I had the skills, but it was

not my heart's work. It was not my soul's calling. And as I started working

with women who were frustrated, stressed, angry, about the situations that they

were in because they were not being who they were born to be, or doing what

they were born to do, and I was in that same situation, I'd be stressed and


Harriet (03:38):

After work, I'd go to the adult center and take creative

writing or learn other things that were more stimulating and more in sync

helped me be more in sync with my authentic self. And so, when I work with

mature women who are frustrated and stressed, I'm focusing on what I call

soul's calling and soul's calling is really, we know that we are here for a

purpose. We know how it feels when we're around someone who is in their

element, whether they're a musician, whether they are a salesperson. They are

juiced about serving you and they serve you with excellence, with joy. And so

that's what I want and help women get to a place of joy because they are

sharing their gifts, their talents, their skills in a way that is making a

difference in an organization or their business or their community.

Harriet (04:53):

We're here for a purpose. Let us share that purpose and

passion. I say that because I have dealt with depression. I've been you know,

two or three different times because I was not living my soul's calling. I was

trying to follow somebody else's agenda that was totally inauthentic for me.

And I have since learned from those times how important it is for me and how

important it is for other mature women to really sizzle in our element. And

that means being who we were born to be and doing what we're born to do. That's

what I call soul's calling, answering your soul's calling.

Tessa (05:50):

I love the elements of joy and sizzle that you're bringing

forward here. I think, you know, sometimes when women who are frustrated and

stuck, they're not thinking about sizzle, right? They're just thinking peace. I

just need peace. Darn it, <laugh>. And so, when you were going through

your times, those darker times, the harder ones, maybe you were depressed and

you weren't in that place of joy and sizzle yet. I wanna know, whose rules were

you following? Like, what was the programming for you at that time?

Harriet (06:35):

I can tell you that the programming for every woman on my

father's side, the right side of the family is get a good education. Go to

college so you can get a good education so you can get a good job so you don't

have to depend on a man.

Tessa (06:58):


Harriet (06:59):

That was pro I mean, generations of that programming. And

so, and I can remember in high school, you know, there was an opportunity to

take chemistry and I didn't wanna take it. And well, you don't know what you

wanna do, so just take chemistry. Well, I sat next to the smartest person that

my job was to hand out the goggles for the experiments. And by the time I did

that, my partner had already completed the experiment. He got the highest test

and the highest score and the standardized test. The teacher was kind to give

me a B minus <laugh>, that's my final grade. But it was an example of

living out that got a good education, go to college so you can get a good

education so you can get a job so you don't have to depend on a man. So that

was following a mandate that really did not fulfill my heart's longing, my

soul's calling.

Tessa (08:06):

Yeah, you're being told what to do and then after all that

work you get a B minus <laugh> and basically like supporting some man to

be great.

Harriet (08:20):

Well, you know, that, I'm just saying that was the

programming. And so if when I'm working with women, it's like, well, you know,

do you long to share your talents and gifts in a more suitable environment? Can

you imagine yourself content and fulfilled doing what you really love? And so

that's the way that I've worked with women to come to a place and the

transformation is phenomenal. There is joy, there is sizzle, there is peace

there, you know, it's like you are on, and of course you've got, meditation helps,

yoga helps. There are self-care practices that we want to also incorporate. But

as I said, anybody knows if, whether it's an entertainer, you know, when

someone is on, it turns you on <laugh>.

Tessa (09:14):

That's right. And, you know, sometimes there are, and

you're probably one of these people, you have a lot of skills and a lot of

gifts, but that doesn't mean that they're all in your genius sizzle zone.

Harriet (09:28):

Mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative>.

Tessa (09:29):

Would you say that's true? Like there were some things you

were doing that were like pretty good, but not like, you know, on fire for you?

Harriet (09:38):

Well, I can say that, you know, I've written three poetry

books and there's been a kind of evolution. They reflect where I was at that

time. But, you know, when I was laid off from a job and it created the opening

for me to write my first poetry book. It created the opportunity for me to be

closer to who I really am as a creative being. And, that again, you wanna be

around those people who are on, who are happy, who are joyful, who can't wait

to provide the highest and best service to others. And ultimately, I think

whatever we are doing as entrepreneurs, as executives, as retired individuals,

you wanna be engaged in something that generates joy, sizzle and peace. You

know, peace of mind is, and one of the ultimate, I think, ultimate places we

wanna be, have peace of mind because we are living our purpose and passion

serving others.

Tessa (11:10):

I love that. So, Harriet, I'd really think it would be

helpful to the listeners to share a little bit of how you transitioned into

that joy and then ultimately into sizzle.

Harriet (11:29):

When I lived in Nairobi, I had a vision of the Wright

resort and a body, mind, spirit wellness center. And I had in mind a physical

plan and, you know, but I told myself, oh, but I don't have the money to do

that. And then someone said, well, you always use somebody else's money. And I

came back to this country and, you know, got a series of jobs. And in my final

position, I was asked to do something and I said, I'm not doing it. And so I

was written up for subordination. My pay was docked. And I had to go to a

hearing and pretend that I was sorry that I said it, but...

Tessa (12:19):

Oh my god, what?

Harriet (12:24):

But, you know, and I went and I took a bowl of water

because in one of the traditions, water represents healing.

Harriet (12:31):

And they didn't need to know what, I just took this bowl

of water and said what I had to say. And, you know, I looked at one of the

people and he kind of rolled his eyes 'cause he knew the whole thing was

stupid. But for me, it was my lesson that these people don't know who I really

am. It is time to get out of here. So that's when I really turned in my

retirement papers. My father became ill and had to be in a nursing home. And

so, I took all my vacations sick, all the, everything that was owed to me to help

get him situated. And when I went back to work, I said, well, I'm, I just came

back to get stuff out of my office. I'm out of here <laugh>.

Harriet (13:20):

And so my retirement, and I was already doing the Wright

resort on the side, really focused on self-care practices with women. So I, you

know, it was a part-time. I was doing it on the side. And I remember when I

went to the ultimate Ojai and I talked to the director, it's a wellness center.

And she said, look, what you see now is not what, how we started, the seller of

this property helped us to get it. And we were all volunteers. And over a

period of time, you know, it has evolved to what it is. So start where you are.

And what that said to me is, no, I don't have a physical plan, but I know

people who have homes. I'll just start doing my thing in people's homes or in

rented properties.

Harriet (14:14):

And when I did that, I recognized that I was focused

primarily with black women. But it proved to me that there was a need to create

a safe space for women to share their stories, to share their frustrations, to

share their joys, and be supported and celebrate it.

Tessa (14:40):


Harriet (14:41):

That confirmed that the Wright resort. And you know, like

I said, it started that way. But as I got more into the soul's calling and what

I call social change now, then it became the Wright resort, your soul safari to

success, which is still about being who you are born to be, doing what you're

born to do. We're being authentic and true to ourselves. And it took me that

experience and a few rounds of depression to recognize how important it is to

be who we were put here to be and do what we were put here to do. That's it. I

mean, you know, I don't know anything better than that.

Tessa (15:30):

I get you. Yes, for sure. <laugh>. It's nothing

better than that. <laugh>, you know, while you're sharing this, and I

just love your energy and your commitment to this calling, and I'm kind of

hearing in the back of my mind, like some of the women who I've met along the

way that I support, but originally when they first started working with me,

they were thinking things like, well, I am doing what I'm supposed to do.

Right? Like, they're so over identified with the support roles or the care taking

roles, whatever it is that they're having trouble imagining more. And so I'm

curious what you might say to them, Harriet.

Harriet (16:18):

I think there is a process called visioning that was

created by Michael Bernard Beckwith of the Agape Church or center. And

visioning, I've used visioning quite a bit myself, and I've worked with others

around visioning to begin imagining and sensing into their soul. And so one of

the question is, you know, who do you wanna be? Or what does this look like?

What does this feel like? What does this sound like? And you know, what does

that mean for you? And so people have an opportunity to go beneath the surface,

so to speak, and get in touch with their heart, with their soul, with their

true essence. And when you tap in at that level, then what comes forth is your

true essence, your authenticity. You become aligned and there's, you know, the

joy and peace is there.

Harriet (17:39):

So that visioning process is one thing that I have found

very helpful for myself and very helpful for women that I've with. I can also

say that one of the successes was working with someone in the public health

environment, and something happened that was not pleasant. And so she was

shifted to another department, but meanwhile she was developing skills on the

side because she knew that there was something more that she wanted. And she

has come to a place of creating the program, the business, the offering that

she was born for. And so whenever she sees me, she will always acknowledge, oh,

there is my coach, da da da, da, da, da. Because it was a process of moving

from limitation to liberation. And the liberation now is getting to what it is

she's here to do, be and do.

Harriet (18:49):

And so that's one example of the ways that I have worked

and continue to work with women. And it is a process. I've experienced the

transformation. I facilitated the transformation because we may come back

again. We may have been here already. We may have come back, but while we're

here now, let's be here in joy and in peace.

Tessa (19:15):


Harriet (19:21):

That's what I can say. Part of my bio talked about

revolutionary leadership skills and I just want to say that it's time for wise

elders and astute creative youngins to chart the way forward. Bringing our

different and complimentary skills to the vision and the strategic approach. In

other words, our time is now together.

Tessa (19:59):

Hmm. Wonderful. And so, do you have something like a

project where you wanna direct people to around that? Like, if somebody were

interested in bringing their wisdom as an elder, maybe with a younger family

member to create, to co-create together,

Harriet (20:22):

That is the way that I am putting forth a class called

activating revolutionary <laugh> leadership skills now. And part of the

objective is to bring older and younger women together, because we are in a

paradigm shift, I've always say that mother earth and mother nature will

continue. The question is rather humanity will. So this paradigm shift in my

mind, represents coming down the birth canal so that women whose natural skills

are tending, nurturing, caring, cultivating that those skills are really important.

And if we can come together as the divine feminine and sacred masculine to

impact or to liberate and to shift so that the healing and the empowerment and

the transformation occurs so that as indigenous people say, seven generations,

what we co-create and collaborate together does create a viable, peaceful

future for humanity, for the world. We can't persist. You know, that's, that's

my vision.

Tessa (21:59):

I love that. Thank you so much for sharing that. I'd love

to support you in that by putting that in the show notes as well, so people

have a place to go to, if you're feeling that call to contribute to the piece

of the world and to creating a new paradigm, the paradigm that's ready. We're

ready for that. Now I am totally with you there, Harriet. There's a place where

you can go, where you can check some things out.

Harriet (22:29):

Absolutely. And I do want to say that I have a gift for

people that will enable the journey to continue. It's called Five Essential

Tools to Lead the Revolution Toward Love, Light, and Liberation, A Spiritual

Guide for Change Makers. And so it is a journey, but we look at Soul Care, we

look at self-care, we look at creating Sacred space, the whole creativity piece

and what it means to have guidance through the journey. And when people

download this gift, then they're on my mailing list and can benefit from knowing,

okay, this is what's next. This is something that they can take advantage of,

this is how they can connect. And I look forward to connecting because everyone

has a contribution, a gift, a talent to share.

Tessa (23:37):

Yes, indeed. And so how will people find that link? Can

you just say what it is right now? We'll put it in the notes of course, but go

ahead and tell everybody where to go.

Harriet (23:48):

To the <laugh> When you go to my

website, the, on the homepage you can click Spiritual Guide,

and then you'll have access to five essential tools, the Spiritual Guide for

Change Makers.

Tessa (24:11):

Fantastic. And that's Wight with a W.

Harriet (24:15):

Correct. <laugh>

Tessa (24:17):

<laugh>. So Wright Resort with a W. Okay. Fantastic.

Harriet, what is one final piece? We've gotta, you know, bring this to a close

today. I really enjoyed hearing part of your story and just sharing in some of

your wisdom here. And I'd love to leave the listeners today with one tip or

piece of guidance.

Harriet (24:46):

Okay. Thank you. Settle or soar, stress or shine, what are

you choosing today? Choose to be in community, then soar and shine together.

Tessa (25:04):

Woo. Beautifully said <laugh>. All right, Harriet,

thank you for being here, for shining and helping our listeners to belong to

something to community here on Say Yes to Your Soul. I am so happy that you

joined us today. And ladies, I want you all to just take a breath wherever you

are right now. If you're multitasking, you're running around. If you're just

lying there, soaking it all in, go ahead and take a breath and allow yourself

to imagine something new in greater alignment with your soul. All right, that's

it for today. Bye-bye for now.


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