Dream from a Place of Infinite Possibilities, with Lisa Dunford Dickman
Listen to this episode to learn:
Lisa’s journey from fear and limitations to embracing infinite possibilities led her to live in multiple countries and create soul-enriching retreats in Africa, helping others experience oneness and deep connection
Lean into what lights you up. “Life is a game of getting warmer, go towards where you’re burning up and away from where you’re freezing.”
Learn to trust your unique path – Your deepest callings and passions might not make sense to everyone—but they make sense for you
Lisa’s story is an invitation to intentionally challenge your fears and activate Universal Love within you by transforming what’s in the way and knowing that everything is happening FOR you
Following your dreams doesn’t mean fear disappears. True expansion comes from working with fears, unlocking infinite possibilities beyond what we can currently imagine
Today’s Guest: Lisa Dunford Dickman is a transformational coach, a traveler and an art medicine woman who helps soul-centered women lean into WONDER, LOVE and ONENESS to create the life their soul most desires. Her greatest joy is leading an annual sea-to-safari, Open to the Magic! retreats in South Africa. Before becoming a coach, Lisa wandered the globe for 15 years authoring 40+ Lonely Planet travel guidebooks. She’s lived in six countries and speaks four languages.
Receive Lisa’s Free Gift: What magical new possibilities are you looking to create? Drawing from her experiences on safari in South Africa, Lisa dreamt into being these amazing animal oracle art cards to deliver an energetic transmission just for you. Pull a card to get your inspired message and discover the sacred ANIMAL ORACLE ENERGY that would most support and uplift you right now!
Go to Africa with Lisa this September 4-12, 2025: https://opentothemagicinafrica.com
Socials & Website: Facebook | Instagram | https://lisadunforddickman.com
TESSA'S FREE GIFT: Visit SayYestoYourSoulPodcast for resources to live your ideal life during these times of vast change. Get in on the latest offerings we have including retreats, VIP days, mentoring programs and healing for your body mind and soul, and take things to your next level of excellence.
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