Awakening in the Body, with Hayley Ebersole

Hayley Ebersole joins host Tessa Lynne Alburn on "Say YES to Your Soul,” where Hayley shares her transformative journey of overcoming control issues and eating disorders through yoga and feminine spiritual practices. Hayley emphasizes the significance of dropping into sensation, especially in the womb space, to access ancestral wisdom and feminine power. In the show, Hayley guides listeners through a brief drop-in practice and encourages women to honor themselves by caring for their bodies. 

Tessa’s Free Gifts: Get access to Tessa's Roadmap to a Soul-Connected Business and spice up your life with her Reignition Roadmap

Episode Highlights!

  • Hayley shares her attempts to control the uncontrollable through the body

  • Getting beyond the medicalization of women’s bodies and back to the feminine ways

  • The importance of dropping into sensation to access ancestral wisdom and feminine power, and especially paying attention to the womb sensations

  • Connect with your body and honor your feminine essence as Haley guides you in a brief practice

  • Women can and are creating a new world by awakening the feminine within

About Hayley

Hayley Ebersole supports soulful, high-achieving women leaders to reconnect to their bodies by reclaiming their feminine sensuality, spirituality, and power so they can magnetize the life they desire. 

Her transformational course, Body Temple Alchemy, is a women’s pathway to reawaken pleasure and purpose through remembrance of ancient women’s rites of initiation. 

In addition to 1:1 embodiment coaching for women, she guides private and group yoga and plant medicine retreats. 

Hayley’s Free Gift 

Receive Hayley’s Free Gift and go from Stressed to Sensual with her

5 Earth Body Rituals to Activate Presence, Power, Pleasure + Purpose NOW 


Hayley’s Website 

You can learn more at

Hayley’s Social Media Handle


* About the Host * 

Tessa Lynne Alburn is a soul connection business coach, author, podcast host, and explorer. Tessa believes that every woman has the ability to learn to express their true voice, be heard, and fulfill their dreams.

Her mission is to help women entrepreneurs bring their ideas and authentic feminine voices into the world, so they make a real difference and receive compensation that reflects their brilliance!

Tessa’s Free Gift: Get access to Tessa's Roadmap to a Soul-Connected Business and Say YES to Your Soul! 

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May You Say YES to Your Soul.


Choosing Joy to Heal, with Kathy Harmon-Luber


What’s Your System of Transformation? with Tessa Lynne Alburn