Perspectives of Thankfulness with Tessa Lynne Alburn

Join podcast host Tessa as she shares her search for meaning in two recent accidents. Do wrongful situations mean we have let our soul down? 

To help the brain serve the Spirit, Tessa encourages listeners to take a 50,000-foot view and create space for your feelings during the holiday season. Listen to the poem called "Slant" by  Suji Kwock Kim.

Tessa’s Free Gift:
If you want to be freer, happier and more courageous in life, get your free Soulful E-Guide here and Say YES to Your Soul!

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  • Change your perspective by going up to a view

  • Create space for your feelings

  • Focus on what you can be grateful for

  • I am safe, loved and alive.

  • I am Thankful


By Suji Kwock Kim

If the angle of an eye is all,   

the slant of hope, the slant of dreaming, according to each life,

what is the light of this city,

light of Lady Liberty, possessor of the most famous armpit in the world,

light of the lovers on Chinese soap operas, throwing BBQ’d ducks at each other   

       with that live-it-up-while-you’re-young, Woo Me kind of love,

light of the old men sitting on crates outside geegaw shops

     selling dried seahorses & plastic Temples of Heaven,

light of the Ying ‘n’ Yang Junk Palace,

light of the Golden Phoenix Hair Salon, light of Wig-o-ramas,

light of the suntanners in Central Park turning over like rotisserie chickens sizzling on a spit,

light of the Pluck U & Gone with the Wings fried-chicken shops,

the parking-meter-leaners, the Glamazons,

the oglers wearing fern-wilting quantities of cologne, strutting, trash-talking, glorious:

the immigrants, the refugees, the peddlars, stockbrokers and janitors, stenographers and cooks,

all of us making and unmaking ourselves,   

hurrying forwards, toward who we’ll become, one way only, one life only:   

free in time but not from it,

here in the city the living make together, and make and unmake over and over

Quick, quick, ask heaven of it, of every mortal relation,

feeling that is fleeing,

for what would the heart be without a heaven to set it on?

I can’t help thinking no word will ever be as full of life as this world,   

I can’t help thinking of thanks.

* About the Host *

Tessa Lynne Alburn believes that every woman has the ability to learn to express their true voice, be heard, and fulfill their dreams.

Tessa’s Free Gift: If you want to be freer, happier and more courageous in life, get your free Soulful E-Guide here and Say YES to Your Soul!

As a Feminine Energy Coach and Soul Connection Mentor for women, Tessa supports you in having the freedom you crave and strong connections with others, as you live powerfully with joy and a sense of adventure.

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May You Say YES to Your Soul.


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The Nature of Feminine Energy with Tessa Lynne Alburn